Dr. Strause is the Principal and Founder of Strategic Clinical Consultants. She brings over 30 years of expertise in global clinical operations and clinical development, with emphasis in oncology and ethical considerations for subjects with life-threatening disease. Dr. Strause is also Co-Founder and Vice President of G. Randall and Sons, Inc., with responsivity over education and research that supports all botanical hemp products. Earlier, Dr. Strause was Senior Research Scholar and Founding Chair of the San Diego Hospice & Palliative Care IRB, where she served as chair of the IRB for over 15 years. Dr. Strause received her PhD, in Neurophysiology, from the University of California, Santa Barbara. She maintains an Adjunct Professor appointment at the University of California, San Diego where she teaches an Introduction to Human Nutrition course.
Linda Strause, PhD
Principal & Founder, Strategic Clinical Consultants, Co-Founder & Vice President, G. Randall & Sons Inc., and Adjunct Professor of Nutrition at University
of California, San Diego